
A joint ACI-ICAO Professional Designation Program

ACI-ICAO ASP is the premier global designation program that leads to a unique and prestigious professional designation for airport safety professionals and civil aviation regulators.

Designed and delivered by ACI-ICAO certified instructors, the ASP will provide candidates with opportunities to advance in their career, differentiate themselves from their peers and brand themselves as airport safety subject matter experts.

The objective of the program is to train and recognize senior airport managers and airport regulators that have demonstrated an understanding of relevant ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs), professional excellence in the field of airport airside operations, as well as maintaining ACI industry best practices.

Learning objectives

After completion of this program, State regulators and airport operations personnel will be able to:

Improve the performance of airports in their core Safety mission
Adopt and apply a proactive approach to airport safety to ensure aerodrome readiness to comply with local civil aviation regulations
Understand the application of ICAO SARPs contained in Annex 14 and identify solutions to aerodrome design and operations challenges
Manage and apply procedures for aerodrome certification according to ICAO Annex 14 and Doc 9774 and how to best maintain the certification
Harmonize runway surface condition assessments and reporting as outlined in ICAO Circular 355 (Assessment, Measurement and Reporting of Runway Surface Conditions)
Gain professional knowledge in airport airside management and operations, while maintaining ACI industry best practices

Program structure


Step 1: Complete the three (3) mandatory courses:

Step 2: Complete one (1) of the following elective courses*:

* Elective requirement is waived, if the participant is a Global Safety Network (GSN) Diploma Programme graduate (Initial or Advanced) or has successfully completed the ICAO State Safety Programme (SSP).

Step 3: Complete the final ASP Program examination

When registering for the online ASP validation exam, candidates will need to attach a proof of course completion (scanned copies of Certificates) to confirm that courses were completed within the required timeframe.

Once the application to the ASP validation exam is approved by ACI, ASP candidates will be notified by email and invited to attend an information webinar to prepare for the exam.

ASP Upcoming exam sessions

Dates Member/WBP Price Least Developed Countries Time Register
30 September 2024 US$1,400 US$900 11:00am - 1:00pm | UTC Apply for the Online Validation
09 December 2024 US$1,400 US$900 11:00am - 1:00pm | UTC Apply for the Online Validation

*View the Developing Nations Directory: Least Developed Countries (LDCs)

Completion timeframe

All mandatory and elective courses must be completed within a 3-year (36 months) timeframe. The ASP programme examination must be completed within a 1-year (12 months) timeframe following completion of all of programme courses.

Benefits of the program to students

Part of a global designation programme for airport safety professionals and civil aviation regulators
Prestigious Industry-renowned professional ASP Safety designation
Distinguished as an airport safety subject matter expert and gain eligibility to be an airport excellence (APEX) Program Assessor
Access to the global professional Community of Practice (CoP) network through a web-based forum

Graduates are required to upkeep their knowledge of regulatory and aerodrome safety.

The ASP designation is valid for three (3) years after which, the graduate will be required to maintain a valid designation by successfully completing a virtual ASP recurrent training and re-designation online exam.