Professional Certificate Course
Delivery: Classroom
Duration: 5 days

This course provides a forum for airport executives to better understand best practices in uncertainty management. The goal of uncertainty management is to position the organization to excel over the longterm by exploiting major opportunities and addressing critical risks in a balanced and systematic, but flexible manner.

Participants will take part in individual and group exercises to develop approaches and a draft framework for effectively setting strategic direction, making daily decisions and maintaining operations in a manner that addresses uncertainty and benefits the organization.

Learning Objectives

Upon completing this course, participants will be able to:

  • Prioritize the critical risks and major opportunities that currently exist at their airport or that may emerge in the future.
  • Establish risk/reward parameters that can be translated into guidelines for daily decision making and for setting ranges of authority.
  • Establish an uncertainty awareness culture throughout the organization and integrate uncertainty management into strategic planning, major organizational initiatives and key systems.
  • Develop action plans that reflect best practices and adapt decision making to optimize organizational performance in an uncertain environment.

Target Audience

  • Airport Senior Management staff across all functional areas
  • Airport Strategic Planners and Risk Managers
  • Airport Consultants

Course Content

  • Risk/Opportunity Profile (populated with common airport risks and opportunities)
  • Criteria for evaluating likelihood, impact, and ability to influence
  • Risk/Reward Parameters Diagram Template and Decision Guidelines Framework
  • Action/Report Form Plan Template and Uncertainty Management Plan Template with participant input
  • Draft memorandum explaining the benefits of Uncertainty Management and Adaptive Decision Making

Upcoming sessions

Dates Location Least Developed Countries Member Price Member / WBP Price Non-Member Price Register
TBD TBD US$1,575 US$1,775 US$2,475 Contact US

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