Professional Certificate Course, *AMPAP Elective, Airport Finance Diploma
Delivery: Classroom/Virtual
Duration: 5 days

The course looks to increase participant knowledge in regards to global best practices to optimize airport revenue generation and related revenue management programs. Emphasis will be on identifying the opportunities available to airport managers to enhance revenue sources including airline, non-aeronautical, and through third-party service providers. With discussions on understanding the role of innovation, competitiveness, and new outreach technologies in developing marketing strategies that effectively influence the airport’s strategic business plan, participants also examines the relationships between airport management, its primary customers (airlines, passengers, cargo operators), and concession providers together with suppliers (e.g. retail brands) for purpose of maintaining long-term value propositions for all affected parties.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the challenging environment and evolving business models that encourage airport managers to focus on revenue generation that support passenger and cargo traffic expansion, non-aeronautical activity development, and the increasing efforts by airports to deliver non-conventional revenue innovations;
  • Describe the relationship between the airport’s overall marketing strategy and optimal revenue methods;
  • Identify the best practices for determining target customer groups;
  • Describe demand forecasting techniques and use of modern pricing strategy to prepare revenue forecasts
  • Explain the principles of business proposal development with application to the primary spheres of airport revenue generation including airline, passenger, and cargo traffic retention and expansion;
  • Define how airport managers plan and then implement concession and land development programs;
  • Explain Customer Relation Management tools and technology-based outreach programs (e.g. social media);
  • Understanding how to use benchmarks to maintain airport revenue performance
  • Develop the team structure and prepare for implementation of sales efforts and business negotiations
  • Integrate the learning from course topic areas and apply to a case study exercise to demonstrate a comprehension of the overall principles and detailed practices for successful revenue generation

Target Audience

  • Airport General Managers / Executive / Finance / Commercial Directors and staff
  • Airport Consultants
  • Airport business partners (e.g. concession managers, airport service providers, etc.)

Course Content

  • Market Knowledge
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Traffic and Revenue Forecasts
  • Business Development
  • Concession Management
  • Customer Relations
  • Organization Development

Upcoming sessions

Dates Location Least Developed Countries Member Price / African Airports Development Program Price Member / WBP Price Non-Member Price Register
13-17 October 2025 Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 9:00am - 5:00pm US$1,765 US$1,965 US$2,665 Register
24-28 November 2025 Abu Dhabi, UAE | 9:00am - 5:00pm US$2,015 US$2,215 US$2,915 Register

Complete these courses to get the Airport Finance Diploma

The ACI Airport Finance Diploma aims to provide participants a detailed understanding of the diversity of issues airports face in managing financial resources.

This course is part of the Airport Management Professional Accreditation Program (AMPAP)

ACI and ICAO established a formal partnership to provide accessible, affordable and universally available specialized management training to the global airports community. This initiative gave birth to the Airport Management Professional Accreditation Program (AMPAP).

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