
The ACI Airport Health Accreditation (AHA) program provided airports with an assessment of how aligned their health measures were with the ACI Airport Operations and COVID-19: Business Recovery guidelines and ICAO Council Aviation Recovery Task Force (CART) recommendations, along with industry best practices.

During the peak of the pandemic, more than 400 airports joined this program, contributing to a more efficient recovery of the aviation industry.

As we transition out of the COVID-19 pandemic, and having learned more about how unforeseen health events can disrupt aviation, ACI World is transition the AHA program to the Public Health and Safety Readiness accreditation (PHSR), which considers a broader range of health events for the safety of passengers and airport staff.

It is imperative that airports incorporate adequate and efficient health disruptive event management into their business continuity and emergency response plans, in order to protect their passengers and staff as well as to decrease the risk of business losses.

As part of the transition plan, no new applications or renewals of the AHA program will be accepted as of February 2023, instead applications should be made to the new PHSR program.

For questions about the Public Health and Safety Readiness accreditation, contact us at assessments.accreditations@aci.aero.