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Advisory Bulletins
11 July 2023

Common Use Self-Service (CUSS)

Transition to CUSS 2.0 Environment

Montreal, 11 July 2023 – Common Use Self-Service (CUSS) kiosks enable multiple airlines to provide self-service options from a single machine. Passengers can use these kiosks for check-in, seat selection, and baggage tagging, resulting in less time spent in lines and more efficient terminal usage. This initiative aims to simplify, standardize, and revolutionize the use of shared airport infrastructure, thus fostering operational efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and superior passenger experience.


Most of the technologies incorporated by CUSS 1.0 have reached their end-of-life, will be removed from service in the next years, or are no longer supported or maintained.

This Advisory Bulletin for ACI Members and Partners seeks to provide information on the new CUSS 2.0 environment that addresses these issues and provides opportunities for several enhancements. It is important that action is taken to ensure the continuity of service provision following this transition to CUSS 2.0.

ACI World urges all stakeholders, including airports, airlines, ground handlers, and service providers, to ensure the transition to CUSS 2.0 and continue adopting these common-use solutions to leverage the myriad of benefits they will bring.

About the transition to CUSS 2.0

The transition will take place between 2023 and 2026, with a key milestone being the beginning of the CUSS 2.0 transition phase starting on 1 January 2024. It is important to note that as of 1 January 2026, the CUSS 1.0 standard will no longer be supported, and platforms will be discontinued. The table below provides the critical information on this transition. 

What?Entirely new version of the CUSS standard Modernizes passenger and baggage self-service processing  Requires timely development Eliminates mag-stripe reading (MSR) NOT backwards compatible
Why?Mitigates cybersecurity risks Leverages latest technologies Streamlines application and platform updates Enhanced integration at multiple touchpoints
How?Collaborative industry effort Active engagement with all stakeholders Provide guidance through workshops, implementation, and development guides Provide informational resources such as a Knowledge Base and an Interactive Airport Readiness Map
BenefitsReduces costs for airlines and airports Operational flexibility Mobile application support Enhanced support for payment card industry standards Predictable release cycles Improved certification that provides deployment consistency Structured environment and standard interfaces
When?31 March 2023 – Technical specification release 1 January 2024 – CUSS 2.0 transition phase starting 1 January 2026 – CUSS 1.x platforms are discontinued

For more details on the Common Use Self-Service initiative, its implementation, and benefits, please contact

About ACI

Airports Council International (ACI), the trade association of the world’s airports, is a federated organization comprising ACI World, ACI Africa, ACI Asia-Pacific, ACI EUROPE, ACI Latin America and the Caribbean, and ACI North America. In representing the best interests of airports during key phases of policy development, ACI makes a significant contribution toward ensuring a global air transport system that is safe, secure, efficient, and environmentally sustainable. As of January 2023, ACI serves 712 members, operating 1925 airports in 171 countries.