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Press Releases
4 May 2021

ACI forges new partnership supporting airports’ operational safety management

Members to benefit from access to ACI World’s APEX in Safety Programme

Montreal, 4 May 2021 – Airports Council International (ACI) World has today signed a cooperation agreement with World Business Partner, Gallagher Aerospace to help foster enhancements in the fundamental industry priority of airport operational safety. Gallagher Aerospace is the leading insurance broker in the airline and airport sectors.

In pursuit of promoting safer airport operations as members prepare for the recovery, ACI World and Gallagher – a renowned insurance brokerage, risk management services and human capital firm – will work together to help member airports access the Airport Excellence (APEX) Programme, APEX in Safety.

ACI World’s APEX Programme has been running since 2012 and supports airports of all sizes to enhance levels of safety management through peer reviews with the aim of bolstering airports’ operational safety and security management.

This new collaboration aims to provide eligible member airports, who are also insured via Gallagher, to access – and in some cases secure funding to go towards – an APEX in Safety review. Working with risk management consulting arm, Sirius Aviation, ACI World will offer airports guidance and assistance in drafting and implementing an action plan following the completion of an APEX assessment.

“This initiative with our World Business Partner Gallagher is a prime example of how the industry benefits from being proactive in forging new partnerships to find solutions that can help support airports during the restart and recovery,” ACI World Director General Luis Felipe de Oliveira said. “Air transport has always been an industry based on the interdependence of all its parts and, to forge a strong recovery, we are going to need collaborative action on a scale not seen before.”

Eduardo Dueri, Senior Partner and Managing Director of Gallagher Aerospace Latin America said, “We are confident that the resources and expertise of Gallagher Aerospace in the insurance and risk management sector will contribute to ACI’s overall support to airports. Such partnerships will benefit ACI, its members and our customers.”

Sandra Lonsbury, Managing Director at Sirius Aviation Limited said, “We are delighted to work together with ACI and Gallagher to enhance safety and risk management within the industry. In this extremely challenging time, managing safety and risk is even more important than ever, and Sirius Aviation is honoured to be associated with industry icons for the betterment of airport operations.”

Notes for editors

  1. Gallagher is headquartered in Illinois, United States and has more than 90 years of experience, serving 150 countries with 900 offices around the world. In the aerospace industry, Gallagher Aerospace is the leading broker in the airline and airport sectors, as it represents more than 45% of the airlines worldwide, and in excess of 500 airport and aviation service providers to the industry at large. It also offers risk management services and space insurance.
  2. Sirius Aviation is an aviation specialist consultancy based in the UK with established industry professionals at the helm covering all aspects of aviation safety and operations. In particular, Sirius has strong focus in the areas of safety governance, resilience in SMS and the customised design, implementation and training of safety management capability for an operator.
  3. Members interested in the APEX in Safety review can contact:
  4. Stay up to date with COVID-19 developments on ACI World’s dedicated news hub.
  5. Airports Council International (ACI), the trade association of the world’s airports, was founded in 1991 with the objective of fostering cooperation among its member airports and other partners in world aviation, including the International Civil Aviation Organization, the International Air Transport Association and the Civil Air Navigation Services Organization. In representing the best interests of airports during key phases of policy development, ACI makes a significant contribution toward ensuring a global air transport system that is safe, secure, customer-centric and environmentally sustainable. As of January 2021, ACI serves 701 members, operating 1933 airports in 183 countries.

Media contacts

Anita Berthier
Director, Communications
ACI World
Telephone: +1 514 373 1254